Whiplash Prevention

Whiplash Prevention

Many newer vehicles have integrated advances that make it easier for you to prevent whiplash in the event that you are involved in a rear-end collision.

Adjust Your Head Restraint

Your head should be at or above the center of the head restraint on your driver’s seat. If the head restraint is set too low or too high, you will not be protected from the “whipping” motion that causes whiplash. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to line up the top of the head restraint with the top of your head.

Proper Seat Position

Your seat should not be reclined at more than a 20-degree angle. This will help keep you stationery in the event of a collision. If your seat is tilted back farther, you are more likely to be thrust forward out of your seat. Your seat and head restraint are designed to keep you in the safest possible position, but only if you adjust them to your body.

Spread the Word

If you’re just learning about whiplash prevention for the first time, odds are good that your friends and loved ones are also in the dark about how to keep themselves safe from a painful injury. Let them know the importance of a properly adjusted head restraint and driver’s seat. You may save them much pain and suffering.

If you’ve been in a car accident in New Jersey and need whiplash treatment, please call us at 866-609-4448 or fill out our quick contact form for a FREE consultation.